In Georgia alone, there are over 12,000 children in need of adoption or foster care placement. Not everyone is called to foster or adopt, but as the church we are called to get involved. One of the greatest ways we can be the church to these families is to surround them with care. We know how to love each other. Whether this is through respite support, care communities or walking alongside them in the certification process, Hope Church is making an effort to serve these families and children. We’re using tools created by Promise686 to create Hope Church’s Family Advocacy Ministry (FAM). We’d love to walk alongside you. Let us know how we can help!

Want Support?

We know that fostering and adopting can present unique challenges. Care Communities are our main way of bridging the gap for families and individuals. A Care Community is an engineered team, much like extended family, of 4-8 committed volunteers who support and serve a foster, adoptive, or kinship family and children. This team provides regular and ongoing practical help such as meals, prayer, tutoring, childcare, transportation, laundry, yard work, etc. We’d love to connect you with a team.

Want to Serve?

We believe that everyone has something to offer when it comes to caring for the children and families involved. There are a variety of ways that you can be a part. Care communities offer a group environment for you to give wrap around care to families on a monthly basis. If you’re wanting to do something more frequently, respite care is a great opportunity to provide short term relief to foster parents. If you’re not able to provide designated time throughout the month, you can join our prayer email list or provide one time donations.

Frequently Asked


  • FAM stands for Family Advocacy Ministry. We’ve found that these ministries are one of the best ways that we can help the foster care crisis. The national average of families who continue fostering after their first year is about 50%, but when supported by a FAM or care community, 90% continue fostering into a second year. Hope Church’s FAM seeks to support existing families, raise up new foster and adoptive families, and ultimately, point families to Jesus.

  • We would love to walk alongside you and your family. You can visit our Promise Serves portal to tell us a bit more about your needs and we’ll reach out to see how we can best walk alongside you.

    Request care

  • We love that you’re looking for ways to get involved. We’ve created this document that gives descriptions and tangible first steps to get involved. Let us know how we can best walk alongside you by contacting us.

  • Are you desiring to get more resources or just learn more about the foster care crisis? We’ve created a list of podcasts, books, and more that we recommend. Check that out here.

  • These are families that are licensed to provide as-needed overnight care for foster children to give the foster family relief. Want to get certified?

    Let us know.

  • Care communities are one of the greatest ways we can serve families and an easy first step. They’re made up of 4-8 people that are assigned to one foster or adoptive family to walk alongside and serve them.

    This can be anything from bringing meals to the family, getting prayer updates, childcare or even just help around the house. It’s a great way for anyone to get involved and is also a great first step for anyone wanting to get familiar with the system.

    Here’s a video that can give you a bit more info.

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Contact us.

If you’d like more information about what Hope Church is doing and how you can get involved, feel free to contact us.